Tennis Canada Teams Up with National Bank to Introduce Gender Equality Week 2024 Campaign

Tennis Canada and National Bank Launch Campaign for Gender Equality Week 2024 

The public is invited to wear purple, the color of equity, as a demonstration of their support. To mark the launch of Gender Equality Week 2024, Tennis Canada and National Bank have unveiled a new marketing campaign which aims to promote the advancement of women and girls in sports. Continuing their commitment to achieving gender equity in tennis, the two organizations are now inviting people to support the cause by embracing the colour purple. The official campaign video can be viewed below:

Purple, the official color of International Women’s Day, has been used throughout history by feminist movements and continues today as a powerful symbol of progress toward gender equity. By encouraging their audience to wear purple or incorporate it into their daily lives in support of the progress of women and girls, Tennis Canada and National Bank aim to adopt a symbol that will endure over time. A series of purple-themed initiatives were launched at the National Bank Open presented by Rogers in August, and following this campaign, tennis enthusiasts can expect to see the colour incorporated throughout Tennis Canada’s equity efforts.

Equity in Service of Equality

While Gender Equality Week in Canada focuses on gender equality (providing the same opportunities for women and men), Tennis Canada deemed it an opportune moment to run a campaign on equity (providing fair benefits based on individual needs and recognizing that women have a different starting point). The Canadian federation has always aimed to achieve gender equality across its entire ecosystem. However, over time, it has found that addressing the specific needs of women and girls through equity actions is the best way to reach this goal. Tennis Canada and National Bank have invested significantly in implementing initiatives for Canadian women and girls since the 2023 launch of their Game. Set. Equity. commitment, an ambitious and holistic strategy aimed at advancing gender equity at all levels of the tennis ecosystem in Canada.

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) recognized Tennis Canada’s commitment to equity by announcing it as a recipient of the Gold Advantage All award — the highest honour of the ITF’s Advantage All Reward and Recognition program – in October 2023. Unmatched is Tennis Canada’s gender equity conference that aims to inspire attendees to make equity a priority and to effect long-term, sustainable change within their communities. Billie Jean King (2022), Maria Sharapova (2023) and Venus Williams (2024) have been the keynote speakers. To date, 32 organizations across 11 provinces and territories have received funding through the Game. Set. Equity. community grant program. Nearly 1,000 women and girls playing tennis across the country have benefited from the first funding cycle, with many more to come.

Tennis Canada has collaborated with provincial and territorial tennis associations and new community partners such as Big Brothers Big Sisters Toronto to organize 41 events for girls aged 8 to 16. These events offered various activities, including team tennis, social connection, leadership learning, and access to mentorship in a welcoming and fun environment. In 2023, the federation made significant strides toward increasing women in leadership roles. The senior management team at Tennis Canada now includes more women (5) than men (3), a first in the organization’s history. In June, Tennis Canada’s board of directors achieved 40% female representation, reaching parity for the first time in the federation’s history.


In addition to wearing purple for Gender Equality Week 2024, Tennis Canada and National Bank invite everyone to rally for gender equity in tennis. To learn more about the federation’s initiatives and goals, how to get involved, and the progress made so far, click the button below.