Top Stories from Golf Canada: Hole-In-One Alerts for the Week of April 22, 2024

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I’ve been playing golf since 1975 starting from when I was a junior at the old Green Valley golf course in Saint Monique, Quebec. I have been moved on to play golf at Cedarbrook Golf and Country Club for two years and then Hillsdale Golf & Country Club for 22 years. I am currently now a member of Elm Ridge Golf and Country Club in Ile Bizard, Quebec for the last three years. Where I’m currently a member of our senior intersectional team. Believe it or not, it took me 60 and a half years to finally enjoy the moment of making my first hole-in-one. I have literally been on the lips several times, hit sticks, rolled over the hole countless times. But it never dropped. Even my sister, who didn’t take the game seriously has actually had a hole-in-one. So you can imagine, the excitement to finally get the proverbial monkey off my back.

It happened at my home course in Florida, which I’m a member at. Which is Deer Creek Golf Club in Deerfield, Florida on hole #8 par 3. Playing 156 yards into the wind that day and I had a 7 iron. At this point in my career, I probably would’ve taken a lucky bounce or a skulled duff. But to my amazement, it actually was an absolute gorgeous shot. I was playing with my good buddy Jerry Marcus who actually lives in New Jersey. As well as two other members of deer Creek, a gentleman named Joe, also from New Jersey, and Ron from parkland down here in Florida. Hope you will share my story with other golf enthusiasts. To never give up Faith in this wonderful game as everybody will eventually get an outstanding moment to cherish if they just keep at it.