Stephen A. Smith explains why LeBron James is above Kobe Bryant

Stephen A. Smith explains why LeBron James is above Kobe Bryant


Stephen A. Smith explains why LeBron James is above Kobe Bryant

In the ongoing debate over the greatest NBA player of all time, sports analyst Stephen A. Smith recently delved into why he doesn’t rank the late Kobe Bryant as the second greatest in history.

Smith emphasized, “Kobe Bryant is not the second greatest player in NBA history,” backing his claim by pointing out that the statistics don’t match up to LeBron James.

Elaborating further, Smith highlighted James’ impressive achievements, stating, “He’s got more rings, but we can’t ignore the first three came with Shaq in his prime.”

"Kobe Bryant is not the second greatest player in NBA history… The [stats] don’t equal LeBron James'… He's got more rings, but we can't ignore the first three came with Shaq in his prime."

— Stephen A.

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